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Asegurando nuestra comunidad por más de 20 años!

Nuestro dedicado personal de profesionales en seguros está aquí para asistirlo. Nuestros agentes lo ayudarán a obtener una póliza de seguro de vida para protegerlo, a usted y a sus seres queridos, en el futuro. Estamos dispuestos y calificados en encontrar la póliza que se ajuste a sus necesidades, ya que contamos con un amplio conocimiento de nuestras compañías y del mercado. Nuestro trabajo es ayudarlo a navegar, a través de diferentes opciones, a escoger la mejor póliza y a aclarar cualquier pregunta o inquietud que pueda tener en el transcurso de este proceso.

Hemos servido exitosamente, a cientos de clientes, y tratamos a cada individuo con respeto y compasión. Comprar un seguro puede ser difícil, pero nuestro personal hará el trabajo por usted. Esté tranquilo y sepa que nuestros profesionales en seguros lo respaldarán.

Compañías destacadas

American National Logo
Ameritas Logo
Athene Annuity Logo
Berkshire Hathaway Insurance Logo
Bristol West Logo
Chubb Logo
Encompass Logo
Foremost STAR Logo
Gerber Life Logo
Hagerty Logo
Hartford Logo
Liberty Mutual Logo
Mutual of Omaha Logo
NatGen Logo
National General Logo
Nationwide Logo
Plymouth Rock Logo
Safeco Logo
Stillwater Logo
Transamerica Logo
Travelers Logo
Zurich Logo

Cómo puede ahorrar dinero?

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Qué dicen los clientes

  We are the owners of Specially Products Plus, a Specialty Plumbing Supply Company, in West Long Branch N.J. We have known and worked with two generations of Ragusa’s as our Insurance professionals! First, Michael Ragusa’s Dad (Ben), and after Ben’s passing, in later years, his son Michael.  Michael has...

-Don & Joann Baldwin

My insurance needs with Linda have always been delivered with precision in taking care of my business Insurance needs. She has always been available to help me install and service my companies complex service needs to help keep my company moving forward..https://www.facebook.com/eliteprinceton22/

-Wooldy Lapointe, President Princeton Elite Car Service

Michael has been our Insurance and Investment advisor well over fifteen years!  His advice and recommendations in these areas, along with other related matters, have always kept pace with our changing needs, especially as we entered deeper into our retirement years.  We highly recommend Michael based on our personal experience.

-Joanne and Nick Rinaldi

“Michael has been our insurance and financial advisor for over twelve years. He has been caring, trustworthy, and very efficient in preparing us for our retirement. I am very grateful for his caring and keen advice which permitted me to retire in 2016 in a much better place. I highly...

-Jackie & Frank DeSantis


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